Fast TypeScript Analyzer
FTA (Fast TypeScript Analyzer) is a super-fast TypeScript static analysis tool written in Rust. It captures static information about TypeScript code and generates easy-to-understand analytics that tell you about complexity and maintainability issues that you may want to address.
FTA uses swc (opens in a new tab) to parse your code then runs various analytical routines against it to understand how complex and maintainable it is likely to be. JavaScript code is also supported.
FTA is fast: on typical hardware, it can analyze up to 1600 files per second.
There are several ways to use fta
. The simplest is to use fta-cli
npx fta-cli path/to/project
Example output against the Redux project:
│ File ┆ Num. lines ┆ FTA Score (Lower is better) ┆ Assessment │
│ website\src\pages\index.js ┆ 212 ┆ 64.43 ┆ Needs improvement │
│ src\createStore.ts ┆ 255 ┆ 64.17 ┆ Needs improvement │
│ src\combineReducers.ts ┆ 162 ┆ 59.51 ┆ Could be better │
│ src\compose.ts ┆ 36 ┆ 47.53 ┆ OK │
│ src\bindActionCreators.ts ┆ 51 ┆ 47.14 ┆ OK │
│ src\utils\kindOf.ts ┆ 58 ┆ 46.88 ┆ OK │
│ src\utils\isPlainObject.ts ┆ 8 ┆ 28.36 ┆ OK │
│ src\utils\symbol-observable.ts ┆ 7 ┆ 27.61 ┆ OK │
│ src\utils\warning.ts ┆ 8 ┆ 26.81 ┆ OK │
│ website\docusaurus.config.js ┆ 205 ┆ 18.19 ┆ OK │
│ website\sidebars.js ┆ 148 ┆ 15.82 ┆ OK │
│ rollup.config.js ┆ 71 ┆ 15.79 ┆ OK │
│ tsup.config.ts ┆ 63 ┆ 15.59 ┆ OK │
│ src\types\store.ts ┆ 63 ┆ 15.47 ┆ OK │
│ src\applyMiddleware.ts ┆ 55 ┆ 15.45 ┆ OK │
│ website\src\pages\errors.js ┆ 58 ┆ 15.07 ┆ OK │
│ src\types\reducers.ts ┆ 49 ┆ 14.46 ┆ OK │
│ website\src\js\monokaiTheme.js ┆ 62 ┆ 14.32 ┆ OK │
│ src\utils\actionTypes.ts ┆ 8 ┆ 11.91 ┆ OK │
│ src\index.ts ┆ 37 ┆ 11.91 ┆ OK │
│ src\types\actions.ts ┆ 15 ┆ 10.27 ┆ OK │
│ src\types\middleware.ts ┆ 14 ┆ 10.16 ┆ OK │
│ vitest.config.ts ┆ 14 ┆ 9.92 ┆ OK │
│ docs\components\DetailedExplanation.jsx ┆ 14 ┆ 9.53 ┆ OK │
24 files analyzed in 0.0372s.
For convenience, FTA generates a single FTA Score that serves as a general, overall indication of the quality of a particular TypeScript file.
That said, all metrics are exposed and it is up to users to decide how it's metrics can enhance productivity for your team.
The full metrics available for each file:
"file_name": "combineReducers.ts",
"cyclo": 28,
"halstead": {
"uniq_operators": 28,
"uniq_operands": 67,
"total_operators": 271,
"total_operands": 239,
"program_length": 95,
"vocabulary_size": 510,
"volume": 854.4635765015915,
"difficulty": 37.84518828451883,
"effort": 32337.33493496609,
"time": 1796.5186074981161,
"bugs": 0.2848211921671972
"line_count": 202,
"fta_score": 61.61052634575169,
"assessment": "(Needs improvement)"
You can also see how FTA analyzes individual files by using the Playground.
View the full docs to see all the possible ways to use FTA.
Get Involved
FTA is completely open-source. Get involved by joining the discussion on the GitHub Repository (opens in a new tab).