Getting Started

Getting Started

FTA is distributed in several ways:

The most common and easiest way to use FTA is by calling fta-cli either as a binary or from a Node.js server-side context.

You can call it:

  • As a script that prints out information about your project (Recommended)
    • You can optionally set score_cap to require a minimum quality level in your CI (See Configuration)
  • From code so that you can programmatically interact with the full output


There are several ways to use fta. The simplest is to use fta-cli:

npx fta-cli path/to/project

Example output against the Redux project:

│ File                                    ┆ Num. lines ┆ FTA Score (Lower is better) ┆ Assessment        │
│ website\src\pages\index.js              ┆ 212        ┆ 64.43                       ┆ Needs improvement │
│ src\createStore.ts                      ┆ 255        ┆ 64.17                       ┆ Needs improvement │
│ src\combineReducers.ts                  ┆ 162        ┆ 59.51                       ┆ Could be better   │
│ src\compose.ts                          ┆ 36         ┆ 47.53                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\bindActionCreators.ts               ┆ 51         ┆ 47.14                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\kindOf.ts                     ┆ 58         ┆ 46.88                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\isPlainObject.ts              ┆ 8          ┆ 28.36                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\symbol-observable.ts          ┆ 7          ┆ 27.61                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\warning.ts                    ┆ 8          ┆ 26.81                       ┆ OK                │
│ website\docusaurus.config.js            ┆ 205        ┆ 18.19                       ┆ OK                │
│ website\sidebars.js                     ┆ 148        ┆ 15.82                       ┆ OK                │
│ rollup.config.js                        ┆ 71         ┆ 15.79                       ┆ OK                │
│ tsup.config.ts                          ┆ 63         ┆ 15.59                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\types\store.ts                      ┆ 63         ┆ 15.47                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\applyMiddleware.ts                  ┆ 55         ┆ 15.45                       ┆ OK                │
│ website\src\pages\errors.js             ┆ 58         ┆ 15.07                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\types\reducers.ts                   ┆ 49         ┆ 14.46                       ┆ OK                │
│ website\src\js\monokaiTheme.js          ┆ 62         ┆ 14.32                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\utils\actionTypes.ts                ┆ 8          ┆ 11.91                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\index.ts                            ┆ 37         ┆ 11.91                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\types\actions.ts                    ┆ 15         ┆ 10.27                       ┆ OK                │
│ src\types\middleware.ts                 ┆ 14         ┆ 10.16                       ┆ OK                │
│ vitest.config.ts                        ┆ 14         ┆ 9.92                        ┆ OK                │
│ docs\components\DetailedExplanation.jsx ┆ 14         ┆ 9.53                        ┆ OK                │
24 files analyzed in 0.0372s.

For convenience, FTA generates a single FTA Score that serves as a general, overall indication of the quality of a particular TypeScript file.

That said, all metrics are exposed and it is up to users to decide how it's metrics can enhance productivity for your team.

The full metrics available for each file:

  "file_name": "combineReducers.ts",
  "cyclo": 28,
  "halstead": {
    "uniq_operators": 28,
    "uniq_operands": 67,
    "total_operators": 271,
    "total_operands": 239,
    "program_length": 95,
    "vocabulary_size": 510,
    "volume": 854.4635765015915,
    "difficulty": 37.84518828451883,
    "effort": 32337.33493496609,
    "time": 1796.5186074981161,
    "bugs": 0.2848211921671972
  "line_count": 202,
  "fta_score": 61.61052634575169,
  "assessment": "(Needs improvement)"

Call FTA from a package.json script

  1. To call FTA from a script, install fta-cli as a dependency and call it:

To install fta-cli:

yarn add fta-cli
  1. Call fta from a package.json script:
"scripts": {
  "fta": "fta src"

Call FTA from code

You can also call fta-cli from code:

import { runFta } from "fta-cli";
// CommonJS alternative:
// const { runFta } = require("fta-cli");
// Print the standard ascii table output
const standardOutput = runFta("path/to/project");
// Alternatively, get the full output as JSON so that you can interact with it
const output = runFta("path/to/project", { json: true });

It is also possible to make fta print the output as json in a scripting context:

yarn fta path/to/project --json

To use fta natively in a browser (client-side), the fta-wasm package exists. The FTA binary is precompiled to WebAssembley and exposed through this npm package. The fta-wasm package can be seen in action on the Playground.


The fta-cli package exposes a set of command-line arguments and can be configured in detail using an fta.json file.

See the Configuration docs.


See Scoring.

Change Log

You can view releases of the FTA Rust crate on the GitHub Releases (opens in a new tab) page.

You can also view the CHANGELOG (opens in a new tab) file for changes.
